Thursday, August 4, 2011


It has been several days since I have been able to make an entry here. Much has happened that is just too exhausting to recap and would take way too long. So long story short...
Basically I decided with help from family (especially my Dad) and close friends and church leaders that I have a crucial decision to make. Am I going to choose to have this situation drag me down, or am I going to use it to make me stronger? I have chosen the later.
My Dad had 2 very important points that hit me strongly:
1. Heavenly Father takes a personal interest in my life...I need to look for evidence of His hand in my life
2. We are told to be in the world but not of the world. We may live in a telestial world, but our homes need to be sanctuaries. At the temple, all influences that do not draw one closer to Heavenly Father are left at the front desk. Our homes truly can be like the temple, the important thing is to only allow influences that draw one closer to God in.
I also was very strongly prompted in another way that I need to focus on my blessings, on using my talents and strengths to help my family and others, and not to run faster than I have strength.
Since coming back to Utah (we got back late last Wednesday), I have been welcomed with open arms by everyone. I have a good life here, and I don't have to rebuild that. Last time I moved to Utah, I knew no one, and I had to prove myself to everyone. I don't need to do that. I have friends, love and support. I have my wonderful children, and dear husband. I am thankful I don't have to go back to where I was 11 years ago.
I can truly say I am happy. I still have pangs of regret and loss for what could have been in Washington, but looking back is only going to hold me back, and that will only hurt me and my loved ones. I could not have done this without help from above. I definitely feel closer to my Heavenly Father through this experience.