Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wall removal Step 1

We have a plan to make our upstairs living area more open and useful. When our house was built in 1984, there was a different set of priorities. The rooms are rather small, closed in and...boring. It is hard to find ways to arrange things to my taste because there just aren't many options. We have a plan to open things up and make the kitchen bigger. We want to kick out a few walls and move the stairs, which would make it so we could push out the kitchen/living room wall and make the kitchen about 2-3 feet bigger. We have been talking about this plan for years. Now we are looking at making it a reality. We have to take it in steps and slowly for 2 reasons, 1)Money, 2)Shaun (and I) are starting school. Shaun seems to think we can start anyway.
Step 1--Remove the wall between the living room and the dining area. Before we do that, he will reinforce the beams in the attic to enforce support, even though the wall we will be removing is not a weight bearing wall. It will still be a few weeks before we actually do it because it is so hot in the attic. All I have to say is let me get my hands on a sledge hammer!
To be continued...