Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Making scriptures real for kids

I have been trying real hard to read the scriptures with my kids. However, I find I might as well be reading to them in another language. It really seems hard for them to glean the stories out of the formal archaec style that the scriptures are written in. So I went to the library and found a book of scripture stories...one positive thing about living in Utah. I have started reading that book out loud and so far they are enjoying it. After reading we try to discuss what we read and how we can apply it to our lives. We read about the brother of Jared today and how he and his family was led in the wilderness by the Lord, but they couldn't see him. They could only hear his voice. Kaitlyn wanted to know why Jesus can't let us see him, so we talked about faith on a level that she determined. It was a good reminder discussion for me. I need to constantly look for the hand of the Lord in my life. It is so easy to feel so alone, but if I look closely, it is plain that I am not alone!