Thursday, August 4, 2011

Homeschooling--sometimes up sometimes down

I am homeschooling my 2 kids. I started last year with Kayden who is now 9. So we are getting ready for 4th grade, and just when I think it is starting to go good, he cops an attitude again. It truly is like a huge roller coaster with him. It's either great or I am at a loss because it is a fight to get him to do anything. Not really sure what to do at the moment. He has taken 1 hour to write 4 lines. I finally told him that he is making a choice, because he can't do anything until his homework is done. Probably it is going to be time to involve Dad because he started this attitude 2 days ago and it isn't getting any better. It's pretty discouraging. I just have to remember why I am doing this!
Kaitlyn on the other hand is having a grand time. We started using the white board to practice her ABC letters. Then we read a book together, and a couple times I stopped to help her work on sounding simple words out. It hasn't clicked yet, but it is coming...