Friday, August 12, 2011

Run, run, run...

No this post is not about running. Today is a day that feels like everytime I turn around there is something else I need to do or take care of that was not in the plans--not necessarily a bad thing, but it feels a little crazy. Oh, and my run today was my best yet. I ran/walked my 2.8 mile route in 32 minutes. When I started at the beginning of the week, it took me 40 minutes and I thought I was going fast. Besides my run, I did a birthday breakfast run for Shaun's Mom, made zucchini bread, coordinated a dinner for a friend going through a hard time, and went to the store to get fixings for that dinner, drove to Shaun's work twice, fed my family twice, and just barely finished making texas chocolate cake for tonight's birthday celebration. It feels good to sit and get a breath, but I feel pretty accomplished looking back at the day!