Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Blogs are addicting

It's not like there is enough time in a day to do everything that I need/want to do. That was my Dad's favorite phrase growing up, "There's not enough time in the day to do all the wonderful things there are to do." Sometimes it feels more like a curse than anything!
I started exploring the world of blogs today. There is amazing stuff out there. If I want to figure out how to be creative, all I need to do is look at a few blogs and I've got it made. It makes my little blog feel so humble and boring. I want so bad to be creative, but it is a huge stumbling block. Sorry anyone out there who might be reading, if it is. I'm just getting going. But honestly, I am doing this for me. This is an outlet to share...Me with Myself.
I was really excited. A few years ago, I took the perfect picture of one of my pet rhodendron flowers, and I rediscovered it and it is just what I needed for my blog! Then I found the background with rhodendron leaves on it...it was meant to be!