Monday, August 8, 2011

Early Morning Ramblings

There is something so peaceful and serene during the time before everyone wakes up. My window is open and the air is cool. The sun is working on coming up and the sprinklers are on across the street. My kids are still in bed resting and I have just finished studying my scriptures. I feel peaceful and content with the world, and I just don't want to move and disturb the peace. I need to soak these moments in like a sponge and spread it on to my children because I want so bad to have a good day where everyone works together. That is a dream, that sometimes seems far from reality, but a good one to hold up as a shining standard. I can't figure out what makes children fight and quarrel? I don't understand it. Why do they have the need to get each other in trouble and get mad all the time? I have a feeling if I could figure it out one day, the next day the reasoning would be totally different. Oh well, I just need to pray constantly for guidance so I am not alone in helping them. I have faith that Heavenly Father sent these particular 2 down to me for a reason, and that he wouldn't set me up in a lost cause. We can do all things with His help...even raise the children He sent us!!