Friday, August 5, 2011

Summer storms

I love summer storms!! We had a good one in the early evening yesterday, and I think I managed to corrupt my daughter into loving them too. The rain came on sudden and very fast. There was no thunder or lightning associated with it, but there was a lot of water. I called Kaitlyn over to the window and asked if she wanted to go out in it. She was hesitant, but I managed to persuade her that she would be okay...after all she wasn't the wicked witch of the west and wouldn't melt, would she? She got in the rain and at first stood there with her head down deciding it wasn't too bad. Then she slowly did a variation of the sun salute, and then took off running through the rain. Then she saw how full the gutter was of running water and took off running up and down in the running water. Next thing I know she is sitting in the gutter with the water running all around her. My child once she decides she loves something never does anything part way!!! As suddenly as it started the storm was over and my adorable earth child was on her way to the shower!!! =) Definitely the best part of the day!!!