Thursday, August 4, 2011

My current direction...

My current main focus is building home and family.
I was going to start looking for another job, but HRTC wants me back. They have scrounged hours from various areas so I can come back. Honestly right now all I want to work is 10-12 hours a week. It feels good to be valued!
Life has been such a roller coaster lately that I feel like a bit of a homebody. Since coming back, I have done some major organization projects (and am eying more), baked, done house chores, worked with and played with my children. I am getting ready for the school year and this year Kayden and Kaitlyn are both going to be taught at home.
Shaun looks like he will be starting the University's Police Academy in September which will be really good for him. I feel that while he does that I need to be home more since he will be home less, for a good cause! He has had a pretty rough time of it lately, and I think that having the academy to focus his free time will be just what he needs!
I have several hobbies that I want to explore and work more on. The big one I want to start working on is woodworking...see This should make some of my organization projects more affordable! =)
There is much to do and much to be excited about!