Monday, July 25, 2011

A Ray of Light

We just finished making the excruciating trip to turn down the WSP job offer. We got there about 6:40 am and Shaun talked with the Lt. in charge. They talked for a good 5 minutes. When they were done, the Lt came to the car to meet me, introduce himself and make sure I was all right. Then he explained the situation. He explained that there are 2 ways to leave the WSP, 1. termination, 2.resignation. He explained that this is a resignation and that there are no negative consequences, and if anything, there is good because any resulting background check would have a positive statement. He also said that we would have no problem getting back because Shaun had been hired on the first attempt, and the background check report would be that they would take him again...most people take at least 2 or 3 tries. What helped me was not so much the words he spake, but the look in his eyes. He treated me as if I meant something. He cared. It made all the difference.
I don't know if it makes it harder or easier to know that there is still a chance here. I guess the good thing is Shaun knows exactly what he is getting into here, if he decides to try again. Hard as this experience has been, is, and will continue to be, we actually gained a lot in the process. I can already see it!