Monday, July 25, 2011

Beginning to Rebuild

I already tried to write this post last night, but the internet went down.
I seriously thought I was done being upset...but I was wrong. I am learning that this next while is going to have some real ups and downs, for both me and and my husband. I just hope that we continue to alternate those for a while.
I had a real down time right before church. I went on a walk, and my brave husband came along. When I had calmed down, we found ourselves walking by the Sound. We found a bench and a quiet spot and started the rebuilding process. We have come to the realization (in different mind paths) that our immediate family is the most important, and that right now our goals need to be centered on taking care of ourselves and our little family so that we can be able to see those that most need our help. We discussed the need to continue growing and learning and progressing forward and not just treading water in the same place. We started tentatively throwing out ideas and thoughts, creating hopes which may lead to dreams again. It's a little scary for me to dream right now. I seriously feel like we have been through a figurative tidal wave or earthquake and are having to start rebuilding from scratch in a lot of areas.