Friday, September 2, 2011

To act or to be acted upon...there is a difference!

Every once in a while I get one of those A-HA moments where something I have heard or believe becomes something I know or something that hits reality. I learned something about myself last night. I had some time where I was putting recent puzzle pieces together about my recent past and experiences, and suddenly something became very clear to me. I really dislike having choices made or nearly made for me. I get resentful when someone makes decisions for me or corners me into a place where those decisions are practically made. However, if I am given the same (or similar) circumstance, while my choice might be the same, it truly makes a difference for me to make the choice, rather than for someone to choose for me. I have a feeling that this is a strong point in the make-up of my character. I get the impression that I fought very hard in the pre-earth life for this, because it is such an issue for me here. I suddenly can see this very clearly in every aspect in my life right now. I don't know if this makes much sense to anyone, but to me it is revelatory!