Saturday, September 17, 2011, Prep School!

So my homeschool is constantly evolving and developing. It has a new focus that is helping me AND Kayden so much! A better term for our home school is Prep School. This homeschool experience is to help prepare him for college. He and I discussed this in great detail, and he is really excited! It has given him a total paradygm shift. Instead of giving him assignments just so I can torture him, I am actually giving him projects to prepare him for college! Nothing really has changed, but with a goal in mind, he has changed. He is doing much better work, and is more willing to do his best. I figure there are really 4 important subjects here...the ability to write well, being able to efficiently pull important information out of reading, math, and computer literacy. That is school down to bare basics. Studying science, history, literature, etc. are all included in this. I am psyched! I feel like it is a continuation of the school that was developed by my parents. The end goal I have in mind is for Kayden to have his bachelors degree by the time he is ready to go on his mission! What a gift to be able to give him!!!