Thursday, September 1, 2011

A little peace!

Shaun and I went on a date tonight. It wasn't anything special really, and there was no occasion, we just got away for a couple of hours. It felt so good to be me and him. It's sad that it is so hard to do, but it is so important. We are each creating 2 different lives going in 2 different directions. It's amazing how sharing a few common hours together here and there is enough to knit those 2 different paths. I really do love him a lot. I wish it could be easier to spend time together, but it just isn't. It helps so much to have a common goal that we are working on that is more than just the here and now.
Tonight we went to Cafe Rio, one of our favorite restaurants. It's the only mexican type restaurant that Shaun will go to, and I will take what I can get!! I had pork tamales, and Shaun had his usual, pork burrito.Then we went to Riverwoods to just walk around. They have fun little misting machines set up and it is very well decorated and has a mini rock stage in the middle of the courtyard. They have posh little stores there. The only ones I felt like going into were William-Sonoma (I do love cooking gadget stores!) and Blickenstafs, an upscale toy store. It got me thinking that I really do need to start gathering little things here and there to make Christmas nice.
So we spent a really nice, relaxed couple of hours together. We talked about anything and nothing at all. We had moments of nice companionable quiet just walking around arm in arm. I married an amazing man, and despite (possible because of) everything we have been through lately, I love him more and more! I feel so blessed!!! (I know, sappy, huh? But then a little bit of sap here and there makes it so that this is more than just a passing, superficial thing. There is nothing short-term here, we're in for the extremely long haul!)