Thursday, September 8, 2011

The days aren't long enough

I have so much to share, the last few days have been so busy! I just have had no time, and I am working as efficiently as possible. After next week I will have more time since I won't be putting in full time hours. I have been putting in very full weekends and then trying for 3 hours a day. That takes a lot of effort. However I am really liking the direction I am taking at work. My focus is student education, both educating the students and coming up with lesson plans, and working as a resource for the Nurse Case Managers. That is right up my alley...I love to work directly with students and it fits what I need. This makes me the Nurse Student Education Specialist...I like the sound of that!!! Hopefully soon I can catch up here. I have been doing so much with the kids and helping Shaun and exploring school possibilities and just life. It's been crazy =)