Monday, September 5, 2011

Project: TV/Wii addict recovery

I've got just a wee (wii) bit of a problem, my son is addicted to tv. It doesn't matter what is on the tv, a show for Kaitlyn, a commercial, the news...whenever it is on, he zones out. When he doesn't know what to do he wants to watch tv, or play wii. He gets mad anytime I say no. I have had enough!  I discussed my problem with Shaun. Shaun is really hesitant to put a restriction on the kids that he wouldn't like for himself. Shaun's only way to wind down is to also watch tv. However, I explained the problem and we talked about a few possible solutions. He didn't like the "no tv for a week,"solution. My next idea was that he can have an hour a day...give or take according to my discression. This does give a little bit of freedom on my part, if we want a family movie, or if I want to reward with it I can. It's time for Kayden to find other ways to entertain himself. We'll see, the next few days might be a little rough.