Saturday, September 17, 2011

Growing pains...

I haven't written for a while for a few reasons. First it is hard to find the time. I have seriously been running as fast as I can all day long every day. I like to be busy, but I am busier than ever. It will be nice when I don't have to log in 3-4 hours at work daily. Right now I could use the extra hours.
Second I am kind of going through a hard time right now. I am okay, but my immediate impulse is to withdraw and shut down where I can. It is a private struggle, so I am not going to blog about it. It's very emotionally draining and if I dwell on it it is easy to feel lost. However, I find I need to hold on to the gospel and to the promptings of the Spirit. I am starting to get some promptings that feel right but I think will be hard to follow through on.  Life really isn't very simple right now. I am feeling the growing pains very well. Burying the issues isn't going to help, I need to dig through and work it out. It would be so easy to try to bury it back up and not deal with it.