Monday, September 19, 2011

Kayden this last month or so...

So this last month when I have been so overwhelmed, we have done lots of things, and here is some of what Kayden has been up to:
Kayden has really enjoyed his compound bow. He and his Grandpa made a target to practice on. The hardest thing is finding a time when no other kids are around so he can practice...

Kaydens Hawaii cousins came to visit for about a week and a half. He had a taste of what it's like to be a big brother to more than one kid...he liked it...some of the time! =)

My friend gave us tickets to UVU's Owls baseball game. Kayden had fun harrassing the players and running up and down the hill we were sitting on. However when the game started and he had to be still, the fun was over for him! He gets bored really fast!

Kayden did most of the lawn mowing this summer. Maybe next summer he will be ready to take on a few lawns! He has done a great job. I love to send him out to play, and hear the lawn mower start up. It makes me one proud Mama!!

One fun thing about being homeschooled are the things we randomly do. A couple weeks ago I heard about this science demonstration at the University of Utah. It sounded amazing so we just picked up and went. Kayden loved it, he learned a bit about astronomy and physics!